Piccolo Seeds - "Blue and White Flowered Mix Borage" seeds

In 2012, Piccolo Seeds was founded with the aim of offering carefully selected seeds for planting urban gardens, especially those with limited space.

The vegetable and plant seeds have been specially developed for growing in pots to meet the needs of urban gardeners. They are compact, dwarf varieties that are ideal for patio or balcony gardens.

In addition to vegetable and plant seeds, Piccolo Seeds also offers a selection of fruit, herb and edible flower seeds to complete the range. The eye eats with.

Borage, also known as borage or borago, is an edible ornamental and medicinal plant that has been praised by some of the most famous herbalists in history. John Gerard's Herball contains the saying "Ego borago, gaudia semper ago", meaning "I, Borage, always bring courage". And according to Pliny the Elder, when borage leaves and flowers are added to wine, "it makes men and women glad and cheerful and drives away all sadness, gloom and melancholy." Given such praise, it is not surprising that the Blue and White Flowered Mix variety has become very popular in modern mixology, used to garnish cocktails such as the gin-based Pimm's Cup.

– Borago officinalis, 50 seeds
– for plants up to approx. 60 cm
– Pot size approx. 25 x 25 cm
- Made in Italy

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