The City Gardeners - Cuttings "Wildflowers"

Guaranteed more colorful than a rainbow! The 'Wildflower' cutting contains, among others, Alyssum, Calendula, Adonis, Nemophilla, Centaurea, Mesembrianthemum and Collinsia.

The cutting - these are 10 cardboard sticks with plenty of wildflower seeds attached to the tip. The pins can be removed individually and inserted into the ground. The application is therefore extremely easy. Break out the pin, stick the tip first into the soil until the seeds have completely disappeared, water and you're done.

– 10 cardboard sticks with seeds
– contains, among others, Alyssum, Calendula, Adonis, Nemophilla, Centaurea, Mesembrianthemum and Collinsia
- Made in Germany